All these lucky little bastards driving off to grandma's house in a 7-passenger crossover are benefiting from technology that replaces the station wagon with the reversed third seat. It seemed like a good idea at the time, and my love of station wagons still makes me love them, but if you're staring out the back of a Roadmaster after filling up on turkey and pumpkin pie the day's almost certainly going to end with your dad cleaning up gravy-scented puke off the hatch. The other drawback to the reverse seat is, if you're taking them with you, it makes it harder to store junk in your trunk... lame transition ... speaking of junk in your trunk... Sir Mix-A-Lot needs to paint an SSC and enlisted Jalopnik's help in picking a color. We like MaximumSarge's answer.
Dear Sir,
The choice is Eazy: White. It makes the posterior look larger.
UR Welcome.
Happy turkey day, y'all.