Commenter of the Day: Postfather Edition

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Man... Mike took a chance on me when I was just a wee blogger and has been regretting that decision ever since. I'll miss his threatening emails ("Don't fuck with me, Lieberman!") and Ed McMahon impressions over IM. Oh, Jesus Christ — he's not dead. Look at me being all dramatic. Actually, I was talking to the Spin just today and he may actually make out to Los Angeles after he chews up and spits out Italy. Great timing as I just traded my Colt Python .357 Magnum for $300 worth of Scotch and bourbon. OK, one last time for the Postfather — and with feeling — let's jump.

Really, the entire reaction to the Changing-of-the-Guard post was heartfelt and beautiful. I say it more frequently than I should, but we love you guys. Anyhow, picking just one comment was looking a little daunting until we ran across what Normac had to say:


thanks for being the automotive journalism equiv. to Blake S.

Please drive that delivery van sideways on that clay road.

Allow me to translate. Blake Schwarzenbach is the guitarist, singer and lyricist for Jawbreaker, one of our favorite bands. Jawbreaker took the trappings of Punk Rock and infused the tired genre with a whole new type of meaning and emotional pull. So much so that other punk began to sound a little silly by way of comparison. Some of it a lot. OK, I'm going to go before I start crying. Here's one for the road. Brave New Wert starts Monday.