Commenter Of The Day: Keys In The Fridge Edition

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I try to maintain a certain number of rituals, a few orderly ways of doing some things so I don't end up wasting time or RAM on activities like putting away the groceries or washing the dishes. I'm not a slave to tradition, or anything like that, but I prefer spending my time thinking about something else. It makes doing chores an opportunity to meditate on the issues of the day. On life. Of course, if I focus too much on the meditation part I might do something out of order and leave my keys in the bottom rack of the fridge instead of the bowl next to the door thus resulting in an excruciatingly long search for them because, let's face it, keys don't belong in the fridge. And maybe trucks are the typical choice of offroaders, but there's some joy in Softroading and things ending up where they don't belong as DaFoxx explains.

It was, by the way, delightfully easy to find a picture of keys in the fridge.

Photo Credit AndrewYang
