The film Bull Durham is not only the greatest sports movie of all time, it's also one of the best American comedies period. Starring Kevin Costner as a minor league catcher who, despite his commitment, never quite makes it, the film explores the philosophy behind our love of baseball in a way few films approach. A year after its production Costner again starred in a film about baseball: Field Of Dreams. It's a fine movie though, if we're honest, it doesn't quite match his first. This trilogy is rounded out by For The Love Of The Game, directed by Sam Raimi. Viewed alone the film is merely average. But considered within the realm of Kevin Costner baseball movies it comes in a distant third. When we asked" what shoes do you wear to drive?" our old friend POLAR answered. But unlike Costner, Polar still delivers Grade A stuff.
I like to wear cheap shoes made in China. 'Cause who doesn't need a little extra lead in their foot from time to time?
If you wear them, you will come... down with a horrible illness.