Commenter Execution: Anti-Car Politics Gone Nuclear

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Not everyone loves cars. Some equate the rise of the internal combustion engine with socio-political strife, environmental devastation, corruption of mens' souls and atrophication of their bodies, impoverishment of the weak, enrichment of the undeserving, separation of the family unit, eradication of public space, diminishment of the ozone layer, monopolization of natural resources and diversion of tax revenue to the Sisyphean task of roadbuilding. These activists, sometimes counted as "pro-mobility advocates," can contribute valuably to the automotive conversation. Not leastwise, they may encourage those who do love cars to consider the breadth of their social impact. One day, the contribution of these individuals may yield vehicles that leave a smaller environmental footprint, use the earth's finite resources more efficiently and contribute to a higher quality of life for all the world's inhabitants.

They can also be real friggin' assholes.

Executed: Maliboo.
Crime: Using Gawker commenter status for niche activism and agenda-mongering. Doing so in an unproductive and dickish manner.

Jalopnik heartily promotes debate and the expression of diverse opinions. But we reserve the right to stick a fork in those who cause a disruption for disruption's sake. Commenting is a privilege, not a right, and we will respond in kind to those who choose the rhetorical nuclear option.


Disputants may consult the Jalopnik Comments FAQ, section 5. However, note also that this manner of death isn't really permanent. Banned commenters may return through invitations or through future general amnesties. Existing commenters should also feel free to nominate other commenters for future bannings; doing so will, of course, raise one's own potential banning profile.


Robert E. Petersen Dead at 80; Jalopnik Commenter Executions of the Week [internal]