The cantankerous Joe "It's The Dealers Fault" Eberhardt already has a scapegoat primed and ready if sales numbers for the new Sebring convertible unveiled at the LA Auto Show don't quite meet with expectations, and scapegoat, thy name is Jennifer Love Hewitt. That's right, because according to Joltin' Joe's comments at the LA unveiling:
"We think we've got a real hit on our hands. But what we think, doesn't really matter...what counts here is what the people in sunny Southern California think of our new Sebring convertible. So, we decided to conduct a focus group. A focus group of one. That one, is someone who's been a star...since...17 years ago, and who knows what Southern Californians look for in a convertible...Jennifer Love Hewitt!"
Isn't it just like a car exec to already have a scapegoat planned and ready to go in case of trouble? But seriously, who would have thought it'd be JLH — we mean, she seems so kind and likable — but still, it's hard to argue with a comment like that whereby Eberhardt makes it clear she's the only one he's answering to on something as critical as design and options. Say it ain't so, Joe! At least he's shown us how the hard-top goes up and down in the second video we've got below.
Dealer Dollars: Chrysler Gives Dealers Incentive, But Will They Give It To You?; Chrylser, Chrysler, Pants On Fire!; The Post Whereby We Welcome The Detroit News To The "Time To Go, Joe" Bandwagon; Chrysler Group's Marketing Man Makes You Wonder: "Hey Joe, Is It Time To Go?" [internal]