Ok, seriously — if you work for an insurance company in any capacity, you need to not leave any personal information for the people who pay for insurance at your company in your car, ready to be stolen. Like the Blue Cross employee who forced the insurance netwoek to notify
"262 subscribers that personal information, including Social Security numbers — about them and 298 of their dependents — were taken March 31 from [the] employee's car at a Downriver location that Blue Cross officials declined to name."
Luckily most of the subscribers are from southeast Michigan, and have the resources in the form of money and time...
...to combat any potential for abuse from identity thieves. Unless of course they're laid-off autoworkers. In which case they're totally screwed. More than likely as it's in the Downriver area the thief isn't smart enough to realize the treasure trove they've now picked up, thinking instead that the real score's the faux-leather briefcase they found it in. Silly little Downriver thief!
Social Security numbers and other info taken from Blue Cross worker's car [Freep]
GM Employees Put The Social In Social Security [internal]