Beijing Jeep! Wrangler Jeep!

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Apparently the Beijing Jeep 2020 is a smelly, slow, noisy, unreliable bucket of bolts. For hot nights out on the boulevards of Pudong and the alleyways of Puxi, a man needs a shiny, bright vehicle. Like say, perhaps, a Wrangler Rubicon! And the people at China Car Times show you kinda-sorta just how to do that. It'll still be an unreliable bucket of bolts, we assume. But you'll be rocking the city ThnderBlt Doherty style — in urban Wrangler delight.

Take your old Beijing Jeep 2020 and make it into a Wrangler [China Car Times]

Screw This Grumman LLV Nonsense! It's About the Jeep DJ-5! [Internal]