Zac Estrada

I only glorify the Brendan Behan pub in JP because it's within stumbling distance from my house. That makes a good dive bar in my book Read more

I've said the ad might've been better had it been selling a different car, a world-class Cadillac. Read more

Actually the Spark sells pretty decently in the US. Chevy sold 34,000 of them last year, compared to Toyota only selling 21,000 of the bigger Yaris. Even Mitsubishi is moving more than 1,000 Mirages a month so far. Read more

Undocumented immigrant is technically incorrect, as some people are documented but still not authorized to be in the country. This is why AP dropped it from their style last year, and suggested everyone use "person living in or entering a country illegally or without legal permission." Read more

Look, I don't know what happens with Biddle and an Uber. Not sure I want to know, either. Read more

It's a still shot and yet my stomach just turned a little Read more

Thanks, that's a great point now we're on Tiger. We'll come up with some solution Read more

There are some there, but not all. A few things are still being worked out on mobile. Read more

Interesting points. And it's so ironic to think of someone downsizing from a Mini, even if it's a Clubman. Read more

That's not a bad idea. If Lancia's practically dead anyway, why not do something crazy? (OK, calling a 200 Convertible a Lancia Flavia was crazy, but in a bad way) Read more

Yeah, but I say I "made" dinner when I microwave 7 chicken nuggets and put some ketchup and mustard on a plate. It's a loose term. Read more