Trevor Andrusko

I was hoping to use this....will keep waiting

Now playing

This reminds me of a Reliant Robin race. They all end the same.

Just heard from the announcer on Le Mans radio that they're rebuilding the #1 Read more

Little did Audi know, airplane black boxes are made out of loicduvalian. Read more

Slight Off topic, but I thought this would be a great place to ask, since most of you are for more familiar with how an aircraft works than myself.

Sometimes to hit your target, you need a bigger Dart.

I am seriously sick...absolutely SICK of comparing EVERYTHING under the sun with the f*cking Porsche 911.... Why is everything that is remotely sporty a "911 fighter". I am just absolutely sick. Been lurking here for ages, and this is the first time I actually post. Read more

Holy crap - anyone else see the recent post with video of botched US military cargo drops? Read more

I was either going to be very analytical or post a clip from The Wraith or Back to the Future, so either way: not very creative. WE CAN'T ALL BE WRITERS LIKE YOU! Read more

Theories of the Ghost Car go in the comments below. "A confluence of bad camera angles" is not an acceptable answer. Read more

The Fuck?

I think this was an extreme case of the cars blocking the camera from seeing the offending car until he cut that BMW off. When the BMW hits his brakes you can JUST barely make out the trunk of the other car. Read more

And there's your 2014 Braves yearbook cover.