Trevor Andrusko

Apropos of nothing at all, the Google translation of the video indicates that the suspect is an out-of-work pastry chef. Read more

Official Northrop Grumman photo taken over Area-51. *Head Explodes*

Yeah, they need to add people who fail to use turn signals and idiots who don't move over after passing. Read more

Fuck Virginia. Got an 86 in a 60 in a rainstorm in the middle of the night on I-95. At most, I was going just over 70. Utter and complete bullshit. Not enough traffic to confuse me with some other car. Some state trooper who looked about 15 pulled me over. Reckless driving is >25 mph. Fuck Virginia. Read more

I believe it was his second pikes peak race. He also had many qualifying runs during the week leadup, but like you said, he had his hands off the bars when he needed to be stopping, fast. Read more

"10 minutes for any EMT to show up at a major international event is ridiculous" Read more

I was there, on the summit the day before. The riders in my Cog car were discussing how they wondered if anyone ever died during the race. All I could think was how short a distance it was from the end of the road to the railway, only about 50 yards, my best guess. I'm sorry you witnessed that. I hope the trains Read more

Regardless of whether or not his injuries were survivable, having a finish line that causes riders to suddenly change surface, near a cliffside, without an ambulance is downright unacceptable. Read more

This isn't blame, but an opportunity to encourage others. If you don't know basic, lifesaving medical (and I mean, more than the first aid class and CPR class) then please get the training. It's cheap, it's easy, and when the worst happens - you don't have to live with the crushing burden that if you'd gotten the Read more

Sometimes the rules are written in blood. Sad that it happened, but never forget the lesson learned and use this as a wake-up call for all the future Pikes Peak events. Read more

So in short, we had a 1966 Spa GP situation like the one repeated ad nausea by Jackie Stewart in his crusade for security and medical readiness. Read more

Rest easy, death is a bitch, someone left life doing what they love, sorry you had to see it, sorry it is ingrained in your memories, and more sorry for those left behind. Give a tear, and move on please, do not let it haunt you. Thanks for the write-up Trevor. Read more

"I fear that this nonchalant attitude towards death has begun to evolve the prestigious exhibition of speed into something demonic and inhuman." Read more

Thank you, thank you, thank you for sharing this. I've seen a death & countless injuries at the track too, though not from a perspective like yours. I can't imagine what you & the others close to it felt. While it's inevitably chaotic in many ways, there is no excuse for lack of preparedness or response. Read more

My apologies, I switched them in my brain. I meant the ambulance showing up 10 minutes after the crash. I definitely know there's a big difference in what EMTs can do and a full-fledged ambulance. Read more

Great write-up. 10 minutes for any EMT to show up at a major international event is ridiculous and could have definitely factored into this man's survival. I am in full-agreement that while we shouldn't baby motorsports, it's certainly not babying to have the proper amount of emergency personnel on hand to quickly Read more

In addition to the flight sim records, he had no future social or professional plans past the March 8th flight, which authorities found suspicious. Read more