Thomas McIntyre

Sorry, should have clarified, the new V40. So even Blocket's not going to find you a cheap one... Read more

Semi-foreign. You're welcome here, as long as your bring me a manual V40. Read more

One question: Why are your roads so wide everywhere? There was a service road behind our hotel that was three lanes in each direction! Read more

The top-center LCD screen is for the passengers in the first row of economy, who don't have seatback video screens but rather must stow theirs during takeoff/landing/taxi. It's so that they can watch the safety video as well, and have the map on landing and takeoff. I'm afraid these are the best pictures I got of the Read more

Oh yea, I agree. I always have to chew gum when landing (which really helps), and this was definitely a more comfortable descent. I just mean it's not one those things that's going to make you jump up and say "Wow!" Read more

I know That Guy that you're talking about, but really just about everyone was up and about chatting on this flight. Talking about the plane or the airline for the most part. It had a very convivial vibe, though I do feel bad for the 2 passengers I think just wanted to sleep on their flight to Chicago. Read more

And you get to make sweet memes like this one:

But if you're into Swenglish like I am, you can say awesome things like, "Fullfart to the Slutstation!" Read more

I had to write a report on this once, and it was an unmitigated disaster in so many ways. But in terms of city planning an absolute masterstroke. It's better for cars and pedestrians and aesthetics and I love it. Big Dig all the way! Read more

As a 30 Rock obsessive, my subconscious probably pulled the title from here. Read more

While I don't really like them on the XJ (although that car is born to be black anyway, so it's not a big deal), I really do like Callum's blacked-out D-pillars hear. I love the way they give the illusion that the chrome around the windows is the only thing supporting the roof out back, and they incorporate themselves Read more

I seriously considered this option. I wish all new parking garages would try to look more like this. Read more

What? What is this nonsense? Chicago Hot Dogs are the hot dogs all other hot dogs wish they could be. Read more