Ray Wert

Wait — what is this new html coding code the New York Times Wheels Blog has finded found? It's like they're a real live blog! Now if only they could have used it on like every post article ever written by Jayson Blair. [New York Times Wheels Blog] Read more

GM won't be renewing their "separate-but-linked" Olympic sponsorship deal with NBC and the U.S. Olympic Team once the current deal ends after the Beijing Olympiad next year. Well, maybe they figure since they won't be building any cars in the UK — the site of the 2012 games — they don't need to drop the dimes on a Read more

Remember folks, "Maximum" Bob Lutz said it first — buy more houses to save General Motors. [Freep] Read more

Jim Dunne answers the question of who killed the 'merican car. Wait — Jim Dunne's still alive? Who knew? [Popular Mechanics] Read more

Stout Risius Ross survey pegs Japanese profit-per-vehicle at $3800 higher than US automakers. That is if US automakers were to make a profit-per-vehicle wethinks. [Detroit News] Read more

Russian automaker GAZ buys 5% of General Motors. Yes, friends, the end of the world is nigh. [Automotive News via Autoblog] Read more