Misha Lanin
@mishalanin (insta) or misha.lanin@gmail.com

I thought I would hate it, but...I don’t. Cars are such boring appliances now. Seeing these goofy things on the road, dripping with personality actually makes me happy.  Read more

I totally would have paid someone a lot of discretionary cash back in my 20's for some Hellsing art on my old beige Subaru GL wagon Read more


I play a lot of GeoGuesser, spotted this Moby Dick themed FX.

This is so cool.  The artwork is amazing.  I wish something like this would take off in the States.  As it sits, if I were to do this, I would just be a lone weirdo because nobody would get it.  I would get airbrushed versions of my tattoos around the back.   Read more

Great article great pictures thank you. Really cool to see a lot of it is about theft protection. I think the landscape on the truck with the polar bear is really cool, and would probably go for it sans bear (the bear looks cool but I think the landscape is enough. Also should point out am playing Snowrunner at the Read more

Misha, great article in true Jalopnik style.

Excellent. This was a vastly entertaining piece. Thanks for your efforts. Read more


I am old


I love this. I was born after the van art phase of American automotive culture, but there were a couple of leftover vans in town that had a wizard or barbarian that I’d see rolling around. I always thought it was a cool form of expression. Read more

I grew up in CA’s San Fernando Valley, a hotbed of airbrushed Low Rider culture.
I approve.
Wholeheartedly and unreservedly.
Read more

How did we get out Murica’d, and by Russia of all places? 

More of this please.  I would love to see this happening here.  Yes there will be some terrible design decisions but to get rid of the sea of white/black/silver would be awesome.  Seen a few newer cars with cool colours (current gen Civic comes to mind) but this would be the next level.   Read more

Because no one is going to remember seeing a rattle can painted license plate number if it drives by, esp. if it was a common strategy. This isn’t about verifying ownership, it’s about making the car conspicuous and so making it a less attractive target. Read more

превосходно. Marina should set up a satellite shop in Anchorage, Alaska. Second most car thefts in the USA per capita. They should have caught on to this idea. The polar bear would be in high demand.  Read more

Someone’s jealous...