
I drove by their closed dealership here in Las Vegas a couple of days ago—the lot seems to be full of cars/trucks still but no one around. The radio and TV ads they ran would be prevented me from even considering them had I been in the market for a new car—and that they sold Chevy's too, might have had something to Read more

@mechimike: I think it should be mandatory that all cars have those fender mounted mirrors. Not sure how effective they are but they are unique. Read more

I remember my neighbor having one of these(not sure which year it was) when I was in my teenage years. We went to Boy Scout camp in it one year. I love the size of taillights. When did they get so big? Read more

@Ray Wert: I saw it twice in theaters just to be able to take in the gorgeous animation and have now watched on DVD at least 6-7 times. I am just amazed at the number of people who say it was the worst of Pixar movies—-the only explanation is that they are not Jalopniks! Read more

RIP: Paul Newman, AKA Doc Hudson, my favorite movie character in recent years. Read more

....sigh...all in the name of religion. Too bad the pope couldn't have donated the cost of each of those popemobiles to poor and starving in each of the countries that he visited. Read more

@LTDScott, Porcubimmer pilot: My favorite part of the Oatman trip is seeing the cars that have driven off the road and have just been left there—impossible to get towtrucks in there. God, I really need to go back with a better camera than I had last time. Read more

@theeastbaykid: I love old Hudsons (and Studebakers) I wish the designers had managed to include a Bullet Nose Studey in the movie. As a kid, I was so jealous of my neighbor's mom who had one of the big 4door Hudson's with the stepdown floor. Read more

@combat chuck: Well, damn—to a geezer like me, 2011 also seems like a long time away, but in reality it's not. Read more

@LTDScott, Porcubimmer pilot: On the 2 disc version of Cars, there's a terrific documentary that shows John Lasseter and Michael Wallis with others driving a portion of Route 66 while in the planning stages of the movie. I live in Las Vegas and go to Kingman AZ just so I can BE on old highway on the way to Oatman, Read more

This is one of my favorite movies of the last decade—being the long time car geek that I am. I'm not a Nascar fan at all, but I loved Route 66 aspect of it and loved the fact that the cars were designed without using headlights as the eyes—everyone knows car eyes are in the windshield!! My least favorite character was Read more

I built lots of plastic model kits as a kid and I remember vividly building one of these in those days. I loved the design of it, although it probably ended up like many of the finished ones: blown up with firecrackers in the field behind the house. Read more

In the early 80's, VW of course made this thing: Read more

I Tivo'ed this about a week ago from TMC and haven't found time to watch it yet, but it's still one of my favorites of all time. Read more

Can someone please ask VW to quit showing this car in Toyocord blue metallic? Make these photos Salsa red or something bright...the car would look much better. Read more

I came THIS close to buying one of these new; my wife had been in a wreck with the detestable '78 T-bird and I was waiting to see if it was totaled. It wasn't, dammit, but glad I didn't end up with a 4 door Cougar. Read more

My dad had a 52 Dodge Truck as his daily driver from about 1961. During the summer of 1963, he was working in the Moab, Utah area on a big new potash plant, which as far as I know is still there. The Dodge was parked outside his motel one night and a drunk ran into it with a big stake truck. Details are fuzzy but the Read more

On my way to work last week, on I-215 going to Henderson, NV, 2 cars passed me that were all covered in this type of camo. I had no clue what they were and I had to exit a half-mile or so later so couldn't chase them down. Read more

As always, the comments here make me feel even older than I am. I was born in 1949, and I think I must have come home from the hospital in a 1942 Chevy 2-door coupe, baby s**t brown, as my mother used to describe it. Read more

@sos10: I've lived in Vegas 10 years and have been to the Imperial Palace Collection a few times and it's worth the effort. I also went this spring to the Neon Museum and took some photos: Read more