I love the how the seller in Montana, says they are "just up I-15" as he's posting the ad in the Salt Lake City Craigslist. Just up, about 9 hours of driving, more if there's one iota of snow on the road. Make sure he delivers!! Read more
I love the how the seller in Montana, says they are "just up I-15" as he's posting the ad in the Salt Lake City Craigslist. Just up, about 9 hours of driving, more if there's one iota of snow on the road. Make sure he delivers!! Read more
On I-15 South-or-Northbound in the area of the Las Vegas strip. "Hey you with the Indiana, Utah, Idaho, Wisconsin(etc) license plates-if you wanna look at the big casinos, get off the freeway and use the strip." Read more
I was in 7th grade in 1961 and my math teacher bought one of these Valiants, and I thought it was so cool looking. His was white, as I recall, with red vinyl interior but it was very impressive to a nascent car geek. Read more
Every driver in Las Vegas; they don't use turn signals, they weave in and out of traffic on the freeway and on surface streets, ALWYAYS exceeding the flow of traffic and ALWAYS with a cell phone clamped to their ear. I've driven in lots of major cities and this is the worst. Read more
Be still my beating heart....I was 8 years old in 1957 and was so taken with '57 Fords of any type and shape. I don't think they ever looked this cool! Read more
In my car sales days, mid-70s to mid 80s, I sold my father-in-law a 73 Monte Carlo in 1974—the used car manager bought 4 of them from the local Hertz place as rental returns. He drove the car until at least 1989 when he replaced it with a Dodge Caravan that he could haul the grandkids in. My kids, now age 33, 30 and… Read more
In my car sales days, mid-70s to mid 80s, I sold my father-in-law a 73 Monte Carlo in 1974—the used car manager bought 4 of them from the local Hertz place as rental returns. He drove the car until at least 1989 when he replaced it with a Dodge Caravan that he could haul the grandkids in. My kids, now age 33, 30 and… Read more
Better get this one while you can...the whole line won't be around (at least in the USA) much longer—you'll have to go to Moscow to rent one. Read more
Can anyone say SSR? Remember that? How long did it last? My prediction will be the same for this thing. Read more
My daughter's father-in-law has owned many Mavericks and Comets of the same era over the years—as recently as 2005, when my daughter and her husband(the boy, as I call him) were going to college in a little town in Idaho, they was driving one of Dad's Mav's after their Subaru broke down. It still ran well, and got… Read more
@leemikemphstn: I also grew up in Salt Lake City, and I made my dad take me to see the Mormon Metero car as often as he would, which was usually once or twice a year. I don't think this is the same car, as Studemax also said, and recall that there was a story about the original in the local SLC newspapers sometime in… Read more
Porsches should be in one color and one color only...Guards red, that they've used since the early 80's at least. Read more
Went to Disneyland in the mid 90's, driving a rental Corolla —in that omnipresent Toyota metallic blue. When we got done for the day, we went to the parking lot and had forgotten which section we parked in. Do you know how many blue Toyota Corollas there were in rental fleets in those days? It took security staff and… Read more
This was one of my favorite movies as a kid-seems like it was on TV regularly back in the days of 3 channels and no VCRs or DVRs. I saw it sometime in the last couple of years on TMC and was disappointed in how it hasn't held up, mostly because of the bad acting and cinematography, but it was the 50's after all. Seems… Read more
If it had eyes in the windshield, it could pass as a character from "CARS", the Pixar movie. Read more
Not sure if this counts as a color combination, but the metallic gold/beige/whatever it's called that's been in every manufacturer's palette for the last 5-6 years is really getting on my nerves. I think someone at Jalopnik called it Ambien Beige. I saw a big Mercedes last week, metallic gold and a tan leather… Read more
I was working for a VW dealer in the late 70's when they announced the big new plant in Westmoreland PA, and was still there when the first US-built Rabbits were delivered, I think it was the 1980 model year. The cars were OK but they put those silly rectangular headlghts on them and the worst vinyl for the interior.… Read more
I loved the scenes in The French Connection that showed an almost identical, driving all over the mean streets of NYC and then getting torn apart by the cops, who were looking for hidden cocaine. And then they reassembled it in and gave it back to the bad guy. Great movie!! Read more
This does nothing for me except that it's a truck-thingy, and I know I'm in the minority, but I rented an SSR last fall for 3 days and I liked it. I know it drove just like every GM FWD in the last 20 years but it didn't seem as bad as some. Had plenty of get-um-up and I hauled some stuff for my family and found… Read more