Leeeeena the Jalopchick

Have you ever driven on the East Coast? I used to complain about Bay Area roads, but that was before I brought a Miata to New York. Read more

You aren't the only one, buddy. All I can picture is a bunch of kids crouched down playing marbles right on that marble floor. Read more

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I'd love to see a group attempt the same thing in Russia. Next thing you know they'd have a Guinness World Record for number of cars flipped simultaneously.

I always thought it was insanely stupid to leave your keys in the ignition and the car running when you go into a store. It wasn't until I came to the East Coast that I really understood why people do it. But Oregon? If you leave your keys in the car anywhere on the West Coast, I don't think you should be able to Read more

Wait a second. Was Cash for Clunkers supposed to recycle all the vehicles, or did they state that they would just be "disposing" of them? I always assumed they were intended for recycling, but maybe that wasn't actually part of the wording. Read more

Nice catch. But you would think that blowing the hinges off the doors would, you know... remove the doors' ability to remain attached to the vehicle. Wouldn't you? Read more

Hopefully this doesn't make me sound like an elitist jerk, but I was shocked to find out that cars are still sold with drum brakes. I thought those went out ages ago. Read more

I'm pretty sure the worst place in the world to be a female driver is the car shop where I work. My boss thinks women shouldn't be allowed to drive sports cars, so I see a constant stream of Vipers, Corvettes, classic muscle cars, etc. coming through the shop that I'm not allowed to drive. Read more

Those tail lights and the Fusion's front end are really sexy. It gives the car the presence to stand out from the rest of the cars it competes with. Read more

I have been using Google Talk video chat on my phones for years. Since the release of Google+ I more often find myself joining Hangouts, but I still use one on one GTalk video chats from time to time. Read more

Where did the 16-year-old part come from, Matt? I couldn't find any reference to her age in the forum thread. Read more

The other phones with zero shutter lag do not take pictures at their full resolution, FYI. If the GNex takes them at the full five megapixels (which I assume it does), it either matches or bests its competitors, at least for the moment. Read more

Strangely, this feature is far more likely to get me to actually call people than their nagging ever was. Has anyone tried it yet? Does the person on the phone count as one of the nine slots? Read more

You said it, teepo_15. I'd rather see the same basic product that already exists in a limited market tweaked slightly and made available to anybody who wants it. Just because it isn't "revolutionary" doesn't make it bad. Read more

There was actually a lot more going on than this one picture implies. The M3's wheel was actually completely torn off. Those of you on Google+ can see the full extent of the damage here: Read more