Leeeeena the Jalopchick

You mean Martin Eberhard, the actual founder of Tesla who actually did the engineering work, instead of buying and suing his way to the "founder" title? That Martin Eberhard?  Read more


Yokes have been a mainstay in concept cars long before Tesla was a glimmer in Martin Eberhard’s eye.  Read more

I agree and I look forward to the day that an all-female team is a mere coincidence, rather than intentional. We’re just not there yet, though. Read more

No it doesn’t. A percentage is not an absolute number. It has a higher percentage of TTs over 150k than Miata. That’s a statistic that’s easily traceable to the idea that used Miatas are affordable by young drivers, who then drive stupid and wrap them around trees. ;) Read more

So hilarious that this comes up today, the second anniversary of an emergency purchase of a car after Lumisaade Saab pooped oil out her exhaust and all over the front of Winston the Jaguar. Read more

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