Leeeeena the Jalopchick

Oh, really? My best reminder that I need new brakes has always been LOOKING AT MY DAMN BRAKE PADS. Read more

I thought a "thrust diverter" was dad knocking at the door with a shotgun. Doesn't sound like that would be very effective for this. Read more

@$kaycog: Why thank you, my lovely financially-focused friend! So tell me, is Stormchasers still alive or has it broken every browser on earth by now? (You know if you tell me it's still going, I HAVE to check it out.) Read more

@gman1023: Yikes, the picture from the article doesn't make her look frighteningly skinny, but the stats sure do. 5'6" and 91 lbs? I'm the same height and probably have a good 30 lbs on her, and people still complain that I'mtoo skinny. "Twiggy" is right... and that ain't a compliment. Read more

@SanSerif: Good point on the terminology. Yes, I specifically meant the glyphs, not the Arabic system (vs. Roman numerals or counts of five or something). Read more