Leeeeena the Jalopchick

Hey Matt, did you happen to snap any pictures of other vehicles in the shop? Your list intrigues me. Read more

Who else wants to hijack the helicopter and drop a load of snow somewhere where it would cause massive amounts of havoc? Say, southern California or Florida. Read more

Look closely at the shape of the curves. IndyCar would immediately become the funniest race in the world to watch from an upper vantage point. Read more

@elchimpo: Porsche was doing supercars before they became the norm. If you ask a bunch of automotive journalists what the best car they've ever driven is, you will get a LOT of 959 responses. And yeah, I'm talking contemporary journalists who have driven cars built into the 2000s. It's sort of like the McLaren F1; Read more

I actually took a screenshot of this ad about a week ago. The seller is also selling a SECOND 959 (!!!!!), a 300SL, an EB110 GT, and some other really crazy stuff. Read more

@doug-g: I'm from the Bay Area in California, but I'm in New York for school. Yes, I drove my Miata from California, and yes, I equipped it for east coast winters with a hardtop and snow tires. No, I never drove in snow before. Yes, I got stuck. Yes, I am now excellent at hooning around in the snow. Suck it, Read more

This is the only time you'll see such a media frenzy at a Toyota booth. (Possible exception for the FT-HS if and when it ever comes out.) Read more

@cgarison: Actually, JFK is incredibly convenient for public transportation. I live in Huntington Station, so I hop on the air train to Jamaica, take the LIRR to Huntington and walk 1.5 blocks to my house. I still haven't figured out how to get to/from LaGuardia. Read more

@dal20402: That was a pretty awesome summary. Unfortunately, as a displaced Californian, I haven't picked up the fine nuances of horn usage, especially since my car is so small that if I started honking my air horns most drivers probably wouldn't even see me and start wondering where all the racket was coming from. Read more