Or you could have just called me to come pick her up in my snow-tired Miata. How much luggage does she usually bring? Read more
Or you could have just called me to come pick her up in my snow-tired Miata. How much luggage does she usually bring? Read more
Someone obviously misspelled "Nissan Joke" in the memo. Read more
I don't care that I'm a couple days late responding to this QOTD. My car created my love life. Read more
Nice job, Blackfoot! I couldn't find a bottle of the stuff, but your booze prize will have this label on it.
@Shamoononon: yeah, that was great! BTW, what happened? Did you stop shaving your legs? Read more
@Leeeeena the Jalopchick: But for you Volvo fans out there, this might be more relevant.
@skaycøg: This somehow seems strangely appropriate for 240.
@Miscellanea: If you do it, will you promise to race it to raise awareness of fun EVs? Read more
@bugattatra - the original wagonist: Bonus points if you photoshop in a snooty exec riding a Ferrari segway, riding by looking down his nose and muttering, "Plebeian." Read more
No wonder McLarens are so damn expensive. They're using materials so light they aren't affected by gravity! Read more
@HammSammich's pride hurts more than his sprained wrists after high-siding his trumpet.: Threatening? Tell her she can use it and she'll never have to buy gas again! Women like small eco-friendly vehicles; I guarantee if you get one and electrify it, she'll fall in love with it. Read more
@Miscellanea: I don't recall which company it was; there are actually several that produce kits for 914s. Here are some links I found: Read more
Another excellent candidate for reducing the "meh" levels is the Porsche 914 electric conversions. I've seen several of them running around and talked with the company who makes an install-ready kit for the conversion. In fact, I'll posit that these little buggers put just as much of a smile on their owners' faces… Read more
Dammit, I had a feeling it posted twice. Well, at least now we have an edit button! Read more
@Ruthless, If yøu let me: I have the G1, which I rooted and installed CyanogenMod's OS on just yesterday. I've had it since September and love it to death! It's pretty damn impressive that the G1 was the very first Android phone on the market and still manages to impress Blackberry and iPhone users to the point that… Read more