Leeeeena the Jalopchick

Or you could have just called me to come pick her up in my snow-tired Miata. How much luggage does she usually bring? Read more

I don't care that I'm a couple days late responding to this QOTD. My car created my love life. Read more

@Daga: The "coke bottle" one is the one I have, and it's definitely my favorite too! I think it looks like a miniature FD RX-7. Read more

@Daga: badass faces are great and all, but I don't think the Mazda smile is necessarily terrible. It's just going for a friendly non-aggressive look, and I think it works quite well for that. I mean, you can't tell me you looked at this post and didn't smile! Read more

Nice job, Blackfoot! I couldn't find a bottle of the stuff, but your booze prize will have this label on it.

@skaycøg: Oooh, 996 911 Turbo! That's a much better prize than a bunch of booze, and is slightly less likely to kill you thanks to AWD. Read more

No wonder McLarens are so damn expensive. They're using materials so light they aren't affected by gravity! Read more

Another excellent candidate for reducing the "meh" levels is the Porsche 914 electric conversions. I've seen several of them running around and talked with the company who makes an install-ready kit for the conversion. In fact, I'll posit that these little buggers put just as much of a smile on their owners' faces Read more

@Ruthless, If yøu let me: I have the G1, which I rooted and installed CyanogenMod's OS on just yesterday. I've had it since September and love it to death! It's pretty damn impressive that the G1 was the very first Android phone on the market and still manages to impress Blackberry and iPhone users to the point that Read more