Kurt Bradley
Sub-Par Photographer and Reasonably Quick Test Driver

$1.3 million? That’s a lot of Dino-ero! Read more

Ohlins has literally no application for any Ferrari (you can easily see this on their Website) so unless they decided to completely redesign the suspension just to use a specific brand of damper, why would you bother? Read more

David Lee has more money than he knows what to do with. He probably just pulled the F40 motor out of one of his F40s that he has kicking around. Read more

Any Jalops reading this are welcome to stop by our campbulance on the Porsche Curves for a beer. Read more

I think there are very few U.S. based racing websites (or just general media) that have the budget or even the want to pay for a professional to go out to France. They would need major sponsors to pay for that. Read more

What the hell are you getting at? Jalopnik sends a top-flight professional, and you want to bitch and moan? Read more

Congrats for fulfilling your dream, dude. Having been there twice, I can say you will have a great time there and the action is always spectacular. Make sure to ride the ferris wheel at night while the cars roar by underneath you! Also a great athmosphere: Arnage or the Porsche curves at dawn.
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You lucky dog. I’ve dreamed of a trip to LeMans since I saw the movie as a kid with my Dad. If you see Vic Elford around the Porsche garages tell him “Sailboat Ken” from Ft. Lauderdale said hi. He was my instructor at Skip Barber, and the only Le Mans driver I’ve had the pleasure to meet. Read more

The looks have grown on me after this, but that may be a testament to Kurt’s shooting skills more than anything else. Read more

How does it respond if you don’t measure tire pressure with a digital gauge? Read more

Is this the same flavor Mustang that Jeremy Clarkson drove in the opening sequence to The Grand Tour, or is it just a similar front end?

Well played, also I hope Univision is picking up the tab or blogging must pay better than I expected. Read more

If I ever have fuck you money I’m also getting a place with translucent garage doors. Read more

Good luck and godspeed on your trip. And on your intestines after Whataburger Read more

Where is the line between automotive journalism and bragging? Read more