
My most common thought was "Ooo, this looks nice when there". In the edit I wanted to keep things quite natural but still make the car pop as much as possible. Read more

Yeah, it looked better without the other cars so I either cropped the photos in a way that meant no other cars in shot or photoshopped the other cars out :) Read more

I got dropped off and travis went off and drove to where I wanted him to be. It doesn't take too long to do :)
I preferred it without traffic so removed it when necessary either by cropping in a certain way when taking the photo of photoshop after Read more

That photo there is shot on the Hasselblad (one photo, no HDR and natural light). When the sun popped up I was using the D800 as I had to be quick (10 mins and the amazing light was gone!) and I'm more used to it. I wish I used the Hasselblad as when I go the Hasselblad photos onto my computer they barely needed any Read more

All the photos in this feature are on my Nikon D800. There are a few shot on the Hasselblad coming in the next set :) Read more

In case you're wondering, yes I got soaked taking this photo...