Patrick Frawley

Pray understanding. There’s room for sound here; it just has to be of appropriate quality and spirit. There is plenty of brilliant music on the Brahms/Miles Davis/Massive Attack continuum which works as perfect accompaniment within the high-speed grand touring paradigm. Read more

Ferrari Daytona: installed both sideways and facing upwards.

As a chronically underfunded adjunct lecturer/occasional freelance writer with a depressing parking situation and intentions to start a family living in the land of the twenty-five-year rule, we could spend all day on this.

Kit cars. Someone will always be able to sell kits to purist-minded customers, and there will always be enough of a lunatic fringe to keep the better ones in business. Read more

I’m officially giving up on railing against SUVs/crossovers from sports car companies. It’s a lost war. Read more

Good things can be said about darker shades of purple as well.

Abstaining. Somehow this seems like it’s a decent ask, but the car itself is so problematic and unlikeable that I can’t even consider whether it’s fair or not. Read more

Related: Formula 1 ace Gerhard Berger learned control as a teenager by hustling his dad’s delivery trucks through the Alps. Read more

The one they didn’t get on film: During rehearsals, one of the Mini stunt drivers corkscrewed the car in the sewer - angled it up the wall and made it all the way around, like the loop on an old Hot Wheels track. Read more

“Tomato pie” is about right. I’ve taken to seeing it as a sort of hybrid pizza-quiche combo. Read more

Hey! Blog out there called States of Motion! Interesting ideas! Complex sentence structure! Noteworthy provenance!