The internet beings out the best in people, doesn't it? Read more
I don't understand some comments. However, Paul T. theory and that of the French CEO are widely discussed by scholars in Asian universities. Read more
I don't think that publishing this indicates legitimacy by the blog, rather it is an attempt to portray both sides of the story. With that said, I think this theory is pure speculation and does not provide a decent counterpoint because it is, frankly, nuts. The U. S. Government isn't really good at maintaining… Read more
I don't think he did give it any credence, in fact he seemed very dismissive throughout. As someone who does not read Flight Club because it does not interest me, I actually read this whole article and found it very good, so I am glad he wrote about it. Read more
I wish that any story about the U.S. government could still seem far-fetched, but after the CIA dreamed up Operation Northwoods... I'd easily accept any answer if you proved it to me, no matter how unexpected. Read more
Right, cause posting a pic is equivalent to tacit endorsement. Here, lemme post this pic of a woman in sexy lingerie; it means I support the Education system, right?
googled it G650 costs 5400 per hour to run and 66.5 million to purchase. So 8 mill cheaper and 1000$ less an hour to operate. I can see where that starts making a difference. Read more
Why are you defending the practice of charging for checked bags? You're acting as if that money that is collected doesn't go straight into revenues, and it allocated to upgrading baggage handling equipment. You're also acting as if SWA must be using 30 year old equipment since it has never charged baggage handling… Read more
Wing tests are awesome, this is one of my favorite images:
http://youtu.be/sA9Kato1CxAI'm not going to lie, my hands start to sweat whenever I get into bad turbulence. The only thing that calms me down is to remember that it seems way worse than it actually is and to remember this video of wing stess tests on the 7y7. To say these planes are over engineered to handle these…
Humankind: Read more
This man was born only 6 years after the Wright Brothers first flew. He has witnessed nearly the entirety of powered flight in his life, and is still actively contributing with his artwork. Amazing! Read more
This dude is 105? He looks fantastic for that age. We should all hope to age that incredibly well.
What really annoys me is when I get to the airport and I have to pull the plane out of the hangar by myself.
I moved out here a little over a year ago and stumbled across this on a bike ride. I haven't made it into the museum yet, but I was really interested in how bizarre it is to see a B-52 in the middle of a residential neighborhood.
Santa BUFF is coming to town - to carpet-gift the shit out of you! Read more