Paul Thompson

Ratchet up the excellence and shape the passenger compartment like this:

This looks like an insanely cold but fun as hell job Read more

You can now add planes to the list of things I never want to buy from China. Read more

I can't wait.

I love how so many think the fees are "outrageous". Right, whenever we can't get free wifi we scream like hungry infants and say we're being gouged. Newsflash folks, accessing the internet while in a damn airplane 6 miles up in the sky at 500mph isn't the same as your living room. Read more

"I knew it was very expensive, but I ignored the warning and did it anyway. I didn't buy a time package instead of a data amount, and I didn't activate the option that would disconnect me when I reach the limit. Now I'm complaining." Read more

OK. I'm writing this after an unlimited Mimosa/Bloody Mary brunch. However, is there a cost effective way to produce a narrow body cabin aircraft with a 2+2+2 seating arrangement that eliminates the dreaded middle seat for a plane in the old 757/321/737 class? Or is the cost of aluminum/composite too costly to expand Read more


You know shit just got real when the test pilots are sporting helmets. And when they're wearing parachutes, and when there's an escape hatch on the floor.

And that is why it is a certification requirement for commercial aircraft seating 44 or more to be able to evacuate all passengers (in max. density configuration) in 90 seconds, through 50% of the exits in a night time environment. Read more

Should have just given it the full Blue Angels Read more

If he had done a proper climb out on liftoff he'd likely have been in better shape with more options after his engine loss. Also, the standard rule is don't turn back because you'll likely be going for a downwind landing and could experience a stall on the turn to final. It does look like winds were pretty calm so Read more

One of the many things I miss about Northwest Airlines is that they would routinely power back their DC-9s at their hubs. No tug needed - apply thrust forward to unstick the airplane, reverse thrust to back it away from the gate, forward thrust again to stop. Read more

#1 was butchered so badly in the initial build process that it physically couldn't be modified into a configuration that could be certified. Read more

Construction of the new HP42 will be a massive undertaking, because it's not simply a restoration of an old plane — they're essentially building a 9th plane from scratch.

Truly awesome museum. The collection is epic. Read more