
we could cut a lot of traffic deaths by making work from home mandatory if youre cubicle bound on the phone or computer to do your job with zero customer interaction. but they wont do it because then why did they spend millions and millions on those high rises downtown. boss corner office would go unused and how else Read more

Lot of people failing to realize that the breathalyzer interlock device isn’t about personal safety, it’s about protecting others. That’s why there’s a government interest here. Drunk drivers kill other people and survive the accident. That’s manifestly unfair and putting a drunk driver in jail does not give back a Read more

I understand the hate, but I would much rather have a 5 second wait versus the amount of DUI’s out there. I have had too many friends die from other drivers crossing the lane while drunk.  Read more

That’s a lot of words to say personable responsibility (dangerous to say those words out loud). Americans treat a driver’s license as a right, not a privilege. And our licensing system is structured as such. Yes, America is unique in that our infrastructure relies heavily on personal transportation. That doesn’t mean Read more

He’s the same age as me and I’m like “A sandwich for lunch?  That seems like a lot of work.”
Read more

The trip that made me decide it had to go for sure was a trip to Chicago that would have been great if my back wasn’t killing me the entire time. I started looking at trucks, which is really what I wanted and the dealership I bought the GC from was also a GMC dealer, so I went with the Sierra, which had great front Read more

Ah yes, I want nothing more than for my car to be assembled by an over-worked, sleep deprived technician. Read more

When we redo the Constitution, we need to have it explicitly state that money is not speech. Read more

Because ultimately, these folks want to take women out of the work force, so they can be nothing but stay at home mothers. Read more

Wow, a pile of diarrhea this hypocritical guy is. Claims a fetus and child’s life is precious, but if you do anything to try and give it proper care that might inconvenience him, then you’re fired. Losing any health and financial support you need to raise your children. F him and I will donate to his opponent to get Read more

Right?! Are those fanged beauties for sale too? Read more

Can’t wait for the handful of crypto dorks to roll in here talking about how Kotaku never says anything nice about NFTs and no one understand their potential except for them and it’s all so unfair because how are they ever going to become fake crypto Pokémon pyramid scheme landlords if people know that it’s just a Read more


I think if rearview video is good enough for WEC, it should be ok for cars too Read more

It depends on what Fox News tells them to be afraid of this week. Illegal immigrants, abortion, pedophiles, Disney turning all the kids gay, Fauci, M&M’s wearing flats instead of high heels, Dijon mustard, tan suits, the war on Christmas... take your pick. It’s amazing these morons have enough courage to leave their Read more

I’d argue there’s two groups of assholes here. The ones throwing things off an overpass and the ones clogging up the highways in the name of FreeDumb. Read more

I like how they call anyone who just doesn’t want them clogging up the roads in their town “Antifa,” as if being opposed to traffic jams is some sort of radical left conspiracy. Read more