
This person is one of the may psychopaths I see while attempting to drive on the Long Island Expressway. It is extremely negligent that the DMV does not communicate with the police department to keep people like this off the road. If this person were to crash and hurt or kill others, the DMV should be held partly Read more

Justice Neil Gorsuch, nominated by Donald Trump in 2017 to a stolen seat
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Man, if you’re concerned about family business schemes and influence, let me tell you about the previous guy, who’s daughter and son-in-law made millions in their “official” roles, not to mention the Big Guy himself, who also made millions from his company, because they would constantly stay at his company’s hotels. Read more

Only a good guy with a gun can stop a... lost or confused person? Read more

Before anyone starts quoting self defense and “stand your ground” laws, these examples are all straight up murder. There isn’t even a debate over it. The perpetrators are going to prison, where they belong. Read more

If your first thought when someone rings your doorbell or pulls into your driveway is to pull out your loaded weapon of choice. Turn off Fox News, OAN or Newsmax Read more


There is an urban legend, I’ve even seen it repeated on this very site, that there are these nefarious criminal gangs trying to lure people out of their houses by doing things like turning into driveways, or ringing doorbells, or asking for help, and then their hidden accomplices will rush you and try to rob you. If Read more

It’s good to see research advancing in these areas; at least we are looking for potential issues before we create new problems. But… everything we do will have an impact. Anyone selling “zero impact” is selling a lie. Hydrogen makes sense for some applications (trucking, shipping, military). It’s going to take a Read more

Elizabeth, I’ve been reading and commenting on Jalopnik for what feels like a decade now. Read more

Most excellent. As a rider for approaching 50 years, you’ve identified the thing about motorcycling that has kept me involved: you absolutely have to be completely focused in the task at hand. Read more

“...hurt the flavor of its popular whiskey.” Read more

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Tangentially related reco... If you haven’t seen “Grabbers” check it out. Alien invasion movie where a small Irish village is invaded by aliens whose vulnerability is alcohol. So to survive the whole town stays shitfaced as they fight them. very enjoyable.

I wish they’d go into more detail on how filtering pollutants out of the air they’re releasing from their warehouses can possibly affect the flavor of the liquid still inside the barrels inside the warehouses. Read more

Luckily, it doesn’t seem like it can mentally alter human beings or lead to the end of the world. Read more


1. Trump is not 6'3" the proof being that Melania reaches his height in heels and he was at/just bellow Barrack Obama’s height standing next to him AND Trump wears heals too. Read more

Hey Lifehacker, I’m going to show you how to write an article:

Plastic drywall anchors are just freaking fine for any application that you would WANT to hang stuff on drywall. There are dozens, if not hundreds of different solutions to hanging stuff on drywall and a lot of people make it into this huge debate about

Now fix the entire side surface of that car...
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It’s just so sad that we waited decades for F1 cars to move from their 13 inch rims to 18 inchers, and when they finally do that they are forced to use hubcaps that make them look like 13 inchers again.