We had a Mk IV VW Jetta of similar vintage and the power locks failed in ridiculously complicated ways. Short version: the VW’s locks were driven by little ECUs, one in each door. If one failed, the locks would not work properly (in our case re-locking after about 10-15 seconds and setting off the alarm if a door was… Read more
To my eyes, that’s fairly typical of this generation E Class. The larger gap between hood/grille and the front fascia is due to “over slam” requirements. When you close the hood, usually with some force, it travels a little further beyond closed position before returning back up. It’s sometimes tough to manage the… Read more
Track days, Viper, and 911. I feel pretty pleased having checked a few off on this list. We had the family heirloom 69 911 for about 10 years before it had to go to a new home (I very much wish we still had it). It was a 911T that my late father in law turned into a pretty effective autocross machine. An incredibly… Read more