
God that R8R is one of the most beautiful prototypes ever. As the years have gone by Audi’s prototypes have gotten increasingly uglier, but also increasingly successful, meaning that whole Enzo Ferrari quote about a winning racing car being a pretty racing car is kinda bs. Read more

Like I had to explain to a friend that little car app that’s worth billions basically takes drivers that do not have the proper licenses to chauffeur passengers in cars that do not have enough or proper insurance to cover injuries of said passengers under a name that doesn’t have a license to operate as a taxi Read more

I’m curious if you’d have pointed this out if the word “Gay” wasn’t in the headline? Read more

I used to play pretty seriously. The rules are simple. The main goal is to achieve “The Queen’s Errand,” or have the most netted balls by the end of the crow’s watch. If the pepper is placed in your path, you have to wheel the cranberry using only the poetic side of your bike. The lines on the court indicate the Read more

Well, I thought The Magnus Effect was one of the reasons why air cooled 911s prices have sky rocketed. Read more

I have to disagree here. First off, it’s a column link you don’t have to click at all. Secondly, it is a news story, one as old as politics itself. When an influential person puts him or herself into a position to be blackmailed, that is news. When David Geithner thinks he can stop this story from breaking on Gawker, Read more

With mine the answer is always ‘yes’, followed up by “so what did I say” Read more

3 kids as well and the overwhelming word that I repeat is STOP: Stop playing with the drill... Stop with the drill... Stop with the goddamn drill!!!... Stop, well why the hell did you pull the trigger while holding the bit!!!... For the love of Christ stop playing with the fucking drill!!!! Read more

How did you miss “Let’s go.” I have to say this close to a dozen times in the 10 feet from my front door to my car. If I don’t say this 100 times per day, I can barely get them to take 15 steps before getting all distracted
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“OK, Let’s go. Let’s go. Let’s. Go! Let’s Go!! (poorly considered threat) LET’S. GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (muffled cursing you really hope they can’t decipher)” Read more

It’s OK, Obama will fix all of this once the Jade Helm invasion is complete. Read more


Treat him like a human? You mean the guy who sued his neighbor after he decided to go jogging hours after a giant ass hurricane when his neighbors tree fell on him? Or the guy who was human enough to change disability lawsuit payout amounts *after* he successfully sued his neighbor? Or the guy who is human enough to Read more

Forgetting that corrosion is a thing and that it can make seemingly simple jobs extremely difficult/impossible on cars that have been through a dozen midwest winters.

Speedbleeders are wonderful things for when you need to bleed solo. They replace the regular bleeder screw with one that has a ball valve inside it. You crack the bleeder open, and the ball valve still seals it. Then you hit the brake pedal and the pressure opens the ball valve to release fluid. When you stop pressing Read more

Expecting a repair to be simple and go smoothly on a German automobile. Read more