
That’s Kuroneko Yamato (Black Cat Japan) and along with Sagawa Transport is one of our major non-Postal delivery services! Read more

Now I gotta know which Aerosmith song is ideal for masturbating. Read more

I am always encouraging my kids to eat pudding cups so I have a reason to buy them. Nothing makes a better late night snack than two or three pudding cups. Jeez kids, do we need to buy more pudding cups again? Where do those things go? Read more

This times a hundred. I too hated neons, until one day I drove a totally normal one and realized no econobox has any right to be so much fun to drive. Read more

Bob: “Hey, you know how most 2-seaters are sports cars? Well, what if we built a 2-seat SUV!”

How did it suck? Sure, it didn’t have a V8, but the V6 was pretty potent. It only weighed 2,800 lbs and had 253 horsepower in the later years. The available V8 in the Chrysler stable was far heavier and didn’t put out much more power. Read more

Uhhhh.... we said “worst car,” not “CLEARLY THE GREATEST VEHICLE OF ALL TIME” Read more

DRL’s aside, the 370 has aged much better than the 350 that preceded it. It’s still an outdated car that I wouldn’t spend 40K on, but the design still works with the rest of Nissans lineup. Read more

Just the thing for Movember though...

Well I see your point. The X-32 is one of the homeliest aircraft ever designed.

His Rule 17 is, of course, absolutely wrong. May I introduce the Warthog. Read more

I have a BS in AE from Purdue. Best advise I can give you while in school is to be sure to take public speaking and writing classes. 80% of being a successful engineer, and leader, is being able to communicate your ideas to a wide range of people. My job has me talking to people all over the world with job codes from Read more

Rule 15 would have saved us all alot of trouble.

As someone who manages engineers at an aerospace company I really appreciate this post. Johnson casts a huge, well deserved shadow, over what we all do. His rules of management still make sense as well. I am a huge fan of small nimble teams over huge enterprises when you need to get something done. Read more

Tough call for “Federal Agency of the Week,” what with DOJ busting up FIFA corruption...but I’m gonna have to hand the title to the Dept. of the Interior, because basketball bears > all other things. Read more

Just remember: in a game with as much storied history as football, there’s no tradition like extradition!
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