Won’t be the only one to post this, but it is burned into my memory: First gen Dodge Viper. My experience was at least in a GTS coupe, but it was a preproduction engineering car that had been ridden hard and put away wet. In fact, the night I had it, it began to rain about an hour into our evening-into-night-I-can’t-b… Read more
I have no idea what this pearl clutching nimrod at the GSA is trying to get at. Ascertain the election and help start the transition? Trump fires her. Keep playing stupid games until January. Biden fires her post haste, AND she gets the added ignominy of possibly fucking up the country even more. Seriously, her name… Read more
As far as I have heard and read, she is the only person who can approve the funding by simply “ascertaining that Biden has won the election”. Trump can do fuck all about it if she were to, somehow, do her goddamn job. She is currently in breach of the law because of this fuckery. But, the law is vague in terms of what… Read more
If you were in southern California I could invite you to come and check out my 03 Mitsubishi Evo VIII which currently has 312,000 miles on it. Working from home has massively reduced the miles it normally racks up. I’m slightly paranoid that because of this everything is now going to break. Like the constant use and… Read more
This is an extremely good point here. At this point in time, a quarter of a million people are dead because of this. We will be lucky if we don’t reach half a million before we have widespread deployment of effective vaccines. This needs remembrance. It needs grieving. Especially since many, many people who have lost… Read more
Every time I’ve seen a birthday party in said park, it has taken a considerable amount of self control to not go over and ask “Was this absolutely necessary this year? Did you have NO CHOICE but to do this right fucking now?! Yes, you’re doing this outdoors, but the bounce house is kind of negating your efforts here.” Read more