Damon Lavrinc

If you ever want to know, with exactness, the composition of someone's moral standing, put them in a seemingly dire situation in which their own life or well-being are in jeopardy. Their actions will tell you everything you need to know. The man speaking and the man driving are weak cowards. Even if the driver's first Read more

I'm sure Mr. Weintraub has some fantastic scientific data to present in court that the Model S isn't as safe as claimed, and I'm sure that that data isn't simply the scattered anecdotal evidence of a tiny handful of crashes, two of which featured illegally high speeds. Read more

Sorry, I forgot gasoline distillation created energy out of nothingness. Read more

What's great about Auto (and CarPlay, I'm not sure) is that the phone is what is doing the heavy lifting processing wise. So upgrading a phone could potentially also mean upgrading your mirrored performance. All automakers have to do is make sure their controls are properly coded for iOs and Android. No need to Read more

Awesome! This is the way it should be - a car's dumb terminal touchscreen interfacing with your current voice controlled phone showing only a simplified display. Read more

A couple of points: First, Rubio and Booker know very well that the public, even poor families, are never guaranteed to be recipients of any portion of wireless spectrum. This is why spectrum is sold via auction to the highest bidder that, so far, has always been a corporation. These corporations sure as hell Read more

I'm not so sure this is such a terrible thing...other than in the sense that this is nothing more than a way to give away public property to government cronys...which is really worse than any other implications, imo. Read more

I'm not sure what the opposite of a sore loser is, but Porsche nails it. It's just a shame they used the same voice-over guy as Spottswoode from Team America. Read more

This is true for many large companies established old corporate companies. I'm in tech. I worked for FedEx. Not glamorous but it paid well and they have some interesting problems to solve in logistics. I left and went to a startup. We got acquired by IBM. I was prepared for the worst but so far it's not that bad. Many Read more

Sacred cows make delicious cheeseburgers. Read more