Chris Perkins

I believe that's called "Value" — it's one of the sections in each review. Read more

I was going to make a joke, saying "Where's the 'cars that aren't Miatas' class?" Then I saw the class that was specifically for Miatas. I approve. Read more

Much as I love Alfa, people voting for the Spider are blowing my mind here. Read more

also pulling for them...

Three of the cars in the top image were in my parents' driveway when I was born. Do I win Mad Marchness? Read more

But now if you own a halfway decent E30, you can expect strangers to shove four grand in your face every time you pull up to an auto parts store. Both the E30 and the NA Miata are going to owners who are nice people, people who will follow strict maintenance protocols and wax the paint, and restore them. This means Read more

I always wondered if the badge on the Miata Club Edition was a subtle wink to the Alfa Romeo clover. I think it might be!

"I am less than pleased that you have decided to leave me in the car". - Dog Read more

Ford Escort Cosworth!