Collin Woodard

Apparently me according to my Instagram ads. (I have never spent $10k on a handbag.) Read more

But this one is here now, just waiting for you to take it home. Besides, who needs a 401k? Read more

Part of me hopes he upgraded the original tires, too, but the other part of me would love it if he stuck with them and just slides everywhere he goes. Read more

The thing is, total deaths were declining steadily while the population grew. Until 2010 when they started to climb back up. (Numbers are slightly different than the report because this chart uses a different dataset.)

I’m going to choose to believe it was Kutztown because of Andre Reed. Read more

Older cars were often considered safe for their time, but new cars are so much safer, it’s not even a contest. But for some reason, there’s a certain subset of people who continue to insist that old cars were safer before crumple zones, airbags, anti-lock brakes, etc. I was simply pointing out that new cars are safer Read more

You mean to tell me that all the episodes of Naked and Afraid that I’ve watched from the comfort of my couch haven’t turned me into a master survivalist already? Ridiculous. Read more

It is state law to yield to pedestrians in a crosswalk. You can tell because there’s a sign clearly visible in the video that says exactly that. The Tesla failed to yield to the pedestrian in the crosswalk, breaking the law. So it either didn’t know, or it did know and broke the law anyway. Those are the only two Read more

Mayor Pete may not be a mayor anymore, but he’s still Mayor Pete. Read more

It’s possible there’s a sub-$10k Fit within a reasonable distance of Bozeman that I missed, but I didn’t see one. And something tells me a kid with a max budget of $10k isn’t going to want to pay to ship one across the country sight unseen since that would mean having to buy something older and cheaper. Read more