Bozi Tatarevic
Freelance Writer • Race Mechanic • LS Swap Enthusiast • Biscuit Critic

Yep. It’s apart at the moment but hopefully I can devote some time to it soon. Read more

According to the guide. The 12v battery in the car has to be discharged or disconnected in order for the external connection to work. Read more

Basically, in a human operated car, if any system goes out, the human can take some sort of evasive action. If the power steering goes out in your car, you can still react by braking and forcing the steering wheel in a certain direction. An autonomous car does not have you as a backup so it must have another layer of Read more

Basically, in a human operated car, if any system goes out, the human can take some sort of evasive action. If the power steering goes out in your car, you can still react by braking and forcing the steering wheel in a certain direction. An autonomous car does not have you as a backup so it must have another layer of Read more

In a human operated car, the human is the redundant system so it can go into a fail-safe mode. A fully autonomous car will not have a human paying attention so it must go into a fail-operational mode. Read more

This is great footage and hopefully it gives people a better idea of how efficient these auction operations are. Also, it appears that there were very few yellow cars in Houston. Read more

They use the forklifts to move the cars around on the yard and to load and unload them from the haulers.

These types of fees are pretty common with dealers in highly competitive areas. They advertise the lower price and get a customer from further away that doesn’t ask a lot of questions invested in the purchase. Once the customer drives down, they throw the recon fee into the transaction and hope that the customer won’t Read more

These cars are not only going out of the state, they are going out of the country too. Read more

Was the vehicle flooded? What is the insurance saying and how is the dealer saying that they are incorrect? Read more

You should not publicize this Jason. Nobody should buy this. We totally did not have this on our watch list.

A lot of companies will prohibit repair to certain parts they consider structural, like the dent on this Tesla that totaled the car.

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It is not uncommon even on the East Coast. Most of the salvage auctions I attend are between VA and GA and I see buyers from Mexico often. They will show up with their own car transporters and usually try to buy 8-15 cars/trucks at a time. Since the Houston auctions are so close to the border, I can imagine that a lot Read more

It doesn’t matter if it is a $100k car or a $20k car. Even though there is only a small number of people that can afford these cars now, it doesn’t mean that any precedent that is set won’t trickle down to future more affordable cars. Read more

Thanks for sharing. The POA forms should make title delays much shorter and I am sure that some cars won’t be processed for weeks if they were moved from their original location. Read more