Bozi Tatarevic
Freelance Writer • Race Mechanic • LS Swap Enthusiast • Biscuit Critic

I picture Dodge, Ford, and Nissan getting into the game since their cutaway vans are already halfway there and can be built in those dimensions. The Ford lines up nicely:

The lights are interesting up close but look odd at a distance. If this goes in production I am betting it gets a worked over version of the 3.0L TFSI motor Read more

I can deal with the front end but the rear just looks plain ugly and I am wondering how many sore wrists there will be from all that power going to the front wheels Read more

I am asking the same thing myself. You can buy a GPS unit for about $75 and monitor it for $5 a month Read more

You are right on the dot with maintenance as most of the brake components are sourced form the 5-series and 7-series. A lot of the sensor are standard 3-series/5-series stuff. Even fancy things like the headlight control module are straight from the 5-series and can be had for around $200. It even shares a Read more

Is the O/D light flashing. My first guess would be to look at the solenoids. Ohm them out and check to see if they are sticking Read more

Using some promo codes and getting creative with a few separate orders at Advance Auto Parts you can get the parts pretty cheaply. Here is what I see available for pickup at the Advance Auto in North Bergen, NJ Read more

Go to the link below and get a $10 off $50 to make it even better Read more

They look nice sitting in one spot but are a pain to work on. Whenever I have one in the shop its an hour long ordeal to get it on the lift Read more