@Disadvantage: That already happens with vehicle health reports. Read more
@twitchykun(lvl. 75 otaku Hoon): Quiet you, that was almost a linux joke about assembling the entire valvetrain prior to each start up. Read more
@Dirt Pirate: That's actually a Peel Trident, even more awesome than a P50 because it cooks your brains while you drive. Read more
One of my roommates bought one of those exact Mustangs in college and refinished the rear hatch in the basement. woo-boy, the fumes from the paint hardener had me high for days, but it was worth it when we took it to some abandoned industrial areas. What a rocketship. Read more
@smackela: from my perspective, chopping the city up allows the new local municipalities to set their own rules and have a lot of competitive latitide. Let's say the invented city bordered by southfield, Jeffries, 8 mile and Livernois wanted to go nuts and encourage business investment. Nothing says they can't go to… Read more
@smackela: In all honesty, I don't think Bing's plan goes far enough. I'm pretty sure the only way to "save" Detroit is to de-annex the city. Chop it into little, manageable pieces and let each city manage itself. Sure, some will fail and be corrupt, but the current system is too big and too unwieldy. Read more
@87CapriceEstate: No, the chavs burned down the city back in the bad old days. Of course, they had good reason to, Devils Night was when you burned down the neighborhood crack house to try to rid the neighborhood of the problem. Only trouble was the burnt wreckage led to another house on the street being vacated,… Read more
@Detroit Diamond: All I have is a Marlin 336, hard to CCW that. Read more
@87CapriceEstate: The thing is, there are a lot of gay dudes who love cars and work in the business of cars. You probably read their opinions about cars all the time and in places you wouldn't expect. There's nothing offensive about it, it's just part of life. Read more