Ben Wojdyla

@rentahero1: This test was done in February from Chicago to Michigan. You want cold? This was cold. Read more

I know a source on a running $500 Cummins 4BT, meaning I want the Jeep FC and that makes it hell. Read more

@philaDLJ: it's a manufacturer car owned by Bosch, which does the turbo system. Basically an M plate is a magical "run whatever the hell you want" card. Read more

@CarrerCrytharis: I've had an R61 (not even the workhorse T-series) doing daily heavy lifting for three years and it's still running flawlessly. Read more

@marimvibe: The car was not hypermiled. No hypermiling techniques or modifications were used. They set the cruise, and cracked the windows for ventilation, that's it. Read more

@cobrajoe: I did the IMSTEA supermileage challenge in high school (build a mileage car around a 5HP Briggs and run it 'round a track on a measure fuel amount) and you'd be surprised, if you shut down about 1/3 into a banked corner and let momentum carry to the top and then coast down into the straightaway you can Read more

@Optixtruf: Keep in mind though, at the time it was revolutionary and set the tone for almost a decade of styling across the industry. Read more

@ieatbabies: No, ieatbabies, you don't sense any jealousy. You sense a case of making humor from a bad situation. It happens all the time, it's meant to be "entertaining." Read more