Ben Wojdyla

@tekdemon: They are designed to stop truck bombs and the like, that the line of the song is an act of violence is just a confusing coincidence.

I'm reminded of a line from Eminem's "Amityville," a song about the simplified but occasionally brutal existence in Detroit. Read more

So this is kind of amusing. Friday I saw one of these cars driving around loud and proud completely sans camouflage on Woodward, the car had been so teased I thought it was already out and didn't even bother taking pictures. Read more

@Rock517: Yes, Americans hate wagons. Actually they hate the term "wagon." Rebrand the form factor and they sell fine, witness the popularity of "5-doors." Read more

@Rock517: When you bag on wagons at Jalopnik you know exactly what you're getting into, let's not pretend. Read more

@Elhigh: Believe it or not the D-pillar blind spot isn't as bad as you'd expect it to be. It's really no worse than the CTS sedans — if you look at the C-pillar on those they're pretty huge too. Read more

@Rock517: You must be trolling. The CTS-V is the thinking man's supercar. It's everything, all the time, no compromises and it pisses everyone who doesn't understand it off. Read more

@jodark: There's plenty left to burn, but community involvement, aggressive policing and a general change in attitude have made Devil's Night exist only in lazy stereotypes of Detroit. Read more

@jodark: There's plenty left to burn, but community involvement, aggressive policing and a general change in attitude have made Devil's Night exist only in lazy stereotypes of Detroit. Read more

@LappingLuke: If we showed you the whole thing we'd have to pay the spy photography agency for the rights to the photos. For small potatoes stuff like this it doesn't makes sense for us to buy them. Instead, it's industry standard to cop the images to 1/6th original size and link to the source. Read more