Clearly sir you haven’t been introduced to the marvellous new XC90, I’ll have one of my sales assistants grab you a brochure and can I get you a cup of coffee while you wait? Read more
Clearly sir you haven’t been introduced to the marvellous new XC90, I’ll have one of my sales assistants grab you a brochure and can I get you a cup of coffee while you wait? Read more
“I’ve made it.” - Spinelli
Depends on who your ex girlfriend is. Here in the south a new loaded up diesel truck will make any girl jealous. Especially if y'all run in the same friend group and you post your new rig on Facebook. Yeah bitch i know you saw it.
You look like the perfect contestant for a live version of Wacky Races!
This will be the official “Like I give a fuck” picture. But that line’s too direct and not James Bond-y.
And if it breaks down, dont’cha worry. Just press a few buttons and push a few levers and you have yourself a motorcycle with wheels wide enough that you wouldn’t really worry about leaning to turn.
Thank you so much for the tip. In two weeks I’ll be going on my holiday to germany (czech border) passing through Frankfurt and spending two whole days on the way back. I am so going to this place. By the way, it looks like I will be driving my brand new Citroën C4 Cactus. Count on pictures and stories! Read more
I got a TON of perks in the early years of Scion, had a lot of fun and met great people. then they listened to the ones who wouldn’t buy a Scion and lost what really made their lineup unique, sad really.
That’s the only Saab that I kinda want. Read more
Parsh is always the answer. Never ask. You know. (Paaaaaarsh.) Read more
Put a “For Sale” sign in the yard and get the fuck out of New Jersey. Read more
alternate topshots we were looking at:
How do you really feel though Matt Read more
If you are going to do something, don’t do it half assed and do it right:
Should have called it the CR-Y...amiright?
Thats why I always just throw mine in the trunk. Read more