And the Bronco, in a group. This was taken on my Canon A590 late in the afternoon during a Bronco M&G at Camp Pendelton.
My 02 Maxima. Taken with a Canon A590 running CHDK. No editing. Early evening near John Wayne Airport. No real story, Just got the car washed and was playing with the long exposure settings.
Given you built it for under $200 tells me you built it as a PC. If you're running windows getting it to reset is just as simple as running a reboot task every night. I have mine reboot at 4AM every morning to make sure the open logins and other crap that fills the buffers and memory gets purged daily. Read more
How dare they show this and not tell anything about it...
You guys need to off the pavement more often. This vehicle and it's owner, Chuck Strange were a long time fixture in the off road racing world. This RR was built up as a safety vehicle for SCORE races back in the early 2000's IIRC it's 2 K5 Blazer frames witht eh RR body on them with a warmed up caddy 502 under the…
Yep clearly fake...