
Yea take the 101, it adds about 40 minutes but it's a much better drive save for hitting rush hour through Santa Barbra. Watch your speed though CHP is HEAVY on 101. Not so much on the 5. Read more

Not too much torque, My Bronco does that leaving traffic lights. Read more

Little known fact: the design of the 61 thunderbird was the original design of the 61 Lincoln Continental. Read more

1. Assess the situation: Is my vehicle still operable? Is theirs? Are they ok? If the answer is yes on all accounts get our and our vehicle's asses out of traffic. Read more

Everyone who wants this please email Mazda and tell them you want this. If they don't know there's demand they won't produce it here. Read more

Granted, but as you get older you tend to look both ways before heading into the intersection to watch for inattentive or run away vehicles. That .5 second pause and look has saved my ass about 3 times this year alone. Read more

Sorry, wanted to watch this but couldn't get past the music. Tried it on mute but then it's just moving blinking lights, nothing more exciting than watching a 7-11 sign in Las Vegas. Read more

NP but then again I may be the worst person in the world to ask, I love longroofs and my first car was this:

A new design for a portable beer cooler we have not. Read more

You'll need to root then use an explorer app like Root Explorer to delete the APK. Read more

I'm just glad this one was out on the road doing what it was designed to do: drive. Not sitting as some static trophy in a darkened garage. From the mile-distance photos it looks repairable granted someone wants to put the money into the chassis. Read more

It really varies, the distance from my home to the office is about 20 miles +-3 miles depending on which route I take. When I have to head into the office on an emergency, usually late at night it can take as little as 20 minutes to get into the office. On my normal commute it's about an hour and twenty minutes. When Read more

Yes I do, at least did until my daughter grabbed it off my nightstand and did whatever with it. I have a few nice backup watches but as it turns out manufacturers are only making watch bands for the girlyest of armed men. (I'm staring at you Invictia and Armitron). It's pretty bad when at the largest adjustment it Read more

Must have been possessed...

At least for once the tree lost to the car... Read more

EXACTLY what I was thinking. Even if you aren't shooting it into something I imagine the footage would be pretty interesting. Read more