Annoying Car YouTubers, Perfect Features On Awful Cars And Weird Cop Cars In This Week's QOTD Roundup
A collection of our best posts of the week in QOTD
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We all love finding automotive diamonds in the rough. However, sometimes that diamond can be embedded inside a massive lump of coal. Earlier this week we asked what are the standout unique features of cars that aren’t worth aspiring to own. The comments had various answers ranging from basic automated operations to basically the entire Pontiac Aztek. Without further ado, here are the best features found on awful cars: - Ryan Erik King Read More
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Rather than let their videos and content speak for themselves, there are lots of automotive YouTubers who do annoying things for engagement. Last week, we asked readers to share what they think are the most irritating tropes from the automotive side of YouTube, and the answers ranged from obnoxious thumbnails to sketchy financial situations. Keep scrolling to see some of our favorite responses, and let us know your thoughts in the comments. - Lawrence Hodge Read More
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Last week we asked the Jalopnik audience to share the weirdest unmarked police cars they’ve ever seen, and honestly there were more off-the-wall models than I expected. I picked answers that were relatively current cars, save for a few seriously unexpected models from years past. My answer was the Subaru Ascent — not that an Ascent is a bad car or even a bad choice for a police car, just that it never came up on my keen cop car radar. If I suddenly saw blue lights coming up behind me from the grille of a Subaru Ascent, or any of the cars on this list, I’d honestly probably think it was a prank. - Logan Carter Read More
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While car enthusiasts fantasize about a dream classic car they wish was in their garage, most people aren’t driving older vehicles by choice. Drivers are holding on to their cars longer than ever, likely because the average price of a new car is rising far faster than the average American’s wages. - Ryan Erik King Read More
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From treasured cars to tried-and-true rides, very few people drive around in a brand-new car and trade it in after a handful of years. We asked earlier this week what are the oldest cars our readers are still driving. The collective fleet is an eclectic collection ranging from 1931 to 2007. While maintenance headaches can crop up when owning a car for over a decade, the driving experience can be worth the associated hassles. - Ryan Erik King Read More
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Being able to predict what cars will be classed as classics in years to come is a pretty handy skill to have. It’s a bit like being able to see what horse might win a race, but could leave you with a cool car to drive around as well as a big payout in years to come. - Owen Bellwood Read More
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For most enthusiasts, countless vehicles fit into various categories of less-than-desirable, ranging from below average to outright awful. That granularity exists because cars can offer plenty of redeeming qualities underneath a thick layer of unpleasantness. It might not make a difference when making a purchase, but it sticks around in your mind as you hope to see those elements on other cars in the future. - Ryan Erik King Read More
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You are sat in the depths of winter doldrums, a mystical state of being where everything seems to be slower and more depressing. As you sit in your leather easy chair watching another awful YouTube video about cars you can’t afford, waiting for the weather to warm, an all-knowing and all-powerful being appears in front of you taking the form of a young William Shatner, despite not possessing corporeal form. In voiceless boom coming from within your own brain, the being screams “I can transport you and your wheels outta here, bud. Where do you want to jet off to?” - Bradley Brownell Read More
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There are so many fantastic driving roads out there in the world, and plenty of incredible cars to use in finding joy while driving them. Earlier this week we put forth a dream scenario in which you could teleport to anywhere in the world with your own car for a delightful 24 hour period of driving, and asked your opinions for where you would go, what car you would take, and why. The answers were as varied as the people who regularly read Jalopnik, and we had a lot of fun sifting through our favorites. Check them out below, and sound off in the comments with any you think should have been included. - Bradley Brownell Read More