If You Could Teleport Yourself And Your Car Anywhere For A Day, Where Would You Go?

One day, one drive, one amazing opportunity; where are you going?

You are sat in the depths of winter doldrums, a mystical state of being where everything seems to be slower and more depressing. As you sit in your leather easy chair watching another awful YouTube video about cars you can't afford, waiting for the weather to warm, an all-knowing and all-powerful being appears in front of you taking the form of a young William Shatner, despite not possessing corporeal form. In voiceless boom coming from within your own brain, the being screams "I can transport you and your wheels outta here, bud. Where do you want to jet off to?"

After the being, who insists you call him Jeff, explains the rules; one person and one car can be transported one place for a 24 hour period, you'll be brought back to where you were when you left, the car has to be yours, the place has to be somewhere you can legally drive, no costs incurred during the trip will be paid by Jeff on your behalf. Knowing all that, where would you go? Mars? You don't have 24 hours worth of oxygen and the car would have to be electric. Be reasonable.

Given the opportunity, I'm taking my Porsche to the south of France. Specifically the Col de Turini, a 19-mile mountain pass in the French alps on the western side of the Italian border. It is one of the most incredible roads in the world for driving enthusiasts, featuring hundreds of corners, curves, and short straights to go with plenty of elevation change. It has been featured as part of the Monte Carlo Rally for decades, and I want to spend my incredible driving day there.

So, let's hear it. Jeff appears in your living room and offers you 24 hours of bliss. Where are you going, what are you taking, and why? Sound off in the comments below.

