All the Unusual Features You Look for When Buying a Car

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Everyone has their own personal preferences. Whether you’re a fan of hatchbacks or wagons, country music or rock, red or blue, there’s something each of us are very particular about. And as it turns out, you’re pretty particular about the unique things you look for when you’re buying a car.

And no, I am not going to include your “third pedal” answers. That was too easy. Think outside the box, folks!

Grayscale’s Out (themanwiththesauce)

Hard agree with you on this one, sir.


Time for a Rest (17 Seconds)

I’m going to be so conscious of this the next time I get in my car.


It’s Classic, Not Old (Vee)

Sometimes simpler is just better.


Melt My Heart (Splatworthy)

Now that I have to deal with actual winter weather, I can really use something like this.


Unlock Me (Sergio526)

I still haven’t come around to this feature, but I can understand its merits.


Melty Boys (colorfulyawn)

That’s gotta be one hell of an inconvenience.


Luxury Goods (SadTrombonez)

This sounds like a five star hotel on wheels.


The Thirst Is Real (Chevypower3)

I’ve suffered too many soaked passenger seats on road trips for this to not be a nice feature.


The Family Band (Syscrush)

I could see these being a huge tend in the future.


Gentle Touch (Notchback88)

Ergonomics are too underrated.


Statement Piece (Chan - Engines in the Middle pls)

Yes. Yes!!!!