If you've seen the pre-game show for ABC's NBC's Sunday Night Football at all this season, you've surely seen the 90-second version of the Chevrolet Silverado commercial featuring the Amerigasmic "Our Country" by the Chevy "cougar," John Mellencamp. If you're not a football fan, here's your chance to see the only commercial in the series of Campbell-Ewald spots that's touched me in any way — maybe "it's Johnny Unitas," as Chevy PR chieftain Terry Rhadigan claimed this past week. But really, it's more likely, as another journalist I was with said this past week, "the ads are like a Rorschach test for America...you see in the ad what you want to see in the ad." And you know, I've always been a sucker for six-year-old kids in football uniforms. They're just so adorable when they hit each other and fall down backwards.
On Notice! Stephen Colbert Steals Rightfully Stolen Video, Jalopnik Demands An Apology; Ad Watch: Chevy Drops Nukes on Cutting Room Floor; America, Truck Yeah! Chevrolet Drops "Our Country, Our Truck" Silverado Marketing Campaign Like A Nuclear Bomb [internal]