2024 has certainly been a year, but don’t worry, it’s almost over. All we have to do is make it a few more weeks, and 2024 will be in the rearview mirror as we cruise into 2025. Next year will surely come with its fair share of horrors and regrets, but you know what’s a fun distraction from those kinds of worries? Cars. Specifically, new cars. We’ll get to see and drive all sorts of new cars next year, and that will be fun.
Personally, I think I’m most looking forward to the Lucid Gravity. No matter what trim level it is, it won’t exactly be affordable for the vast majority of people in this country, but it’s still important. We’re talking about the second offering from one of the most interesting electric startups, and this time around, Lucid decided to build an SUV. So not only is it important in the sense that we want to see if Lucid is more than a one-trick pony but also because the American people love them some SUVs. If Lucid somehow messes up its first SUV, it’s going to have a hard time succeeding even with a bajillion dollars in funding.
Now, technically, production has already begun, so you could argue it should count as one of this year’s cars, and you would have a point. At the same time, though, we still have yet to drive the Gravity, and this is my Question of the Day, so I say it still counts. Especially since the versions we’ll get first should come with some serious range. Will I be able to take it on a sweet camping road trip? Will I even like it? Who knows. Certainly not me. Still, even if someone else gets sent to do the first drive, it’ll be fascinating to see how much demand there is and how Lucid handles production.
What about you, though? What car are you looking forward to the most next year?