Four-wheel steering is making a comeback on some brand new high-tech machines, like Chevy’s electric Silverado. I say comeback because, well, Honda, among dozens of others, had experimented with the technology decades ago and for some reason, it just never took off.
I still remember sitting in front of the television as a kid, and watching ads for the GMC Sierra Denali. The truck had four wheel steering, which just blew me away. How!? What necromancy had GM conjured to make the rear wheels both push and steer the truck? I mean, I thought that was it; every single carmaker would have to follow suit and put four wheel steering on their cars, or risk being left behind and unable to follow in the sinewy trail left by GM. Boy, was I wrong.
Four wheel steering came and went without fanfare; it never took off. Now, it’s back again, and maybe will finally make a lasting impression. We’ll see. We asked our readers to tell us what they thought was the coolest tech and/or features found in cars that never went mainstream. Here are their answers: