We all march on personal paths to our own demise, a feeling that has grown a bit more imminent over recent weeks, days and hours. It is in times like these that I choose to imagine Chill CIA Guy.
Today we met Chill CIA Guy, the unnamed voice in a recently-declassified communication about the time a U.S. submarine and a Soviet submarine accidentally bumped into each other back in 1974.
The CIA’s message described the incident, one that could conceivably have ben misconstrued into an excuse for a third world war, with the line “warm regards.” This stuck out to reader CarsOfFortLangley:
I like to think Chill CIA Guy is a James Bond kind of figure, only more low-key and with a cooler car. I like to think of him driving an experimental Jaguar XJ13 (pictured above and below), riding into the apocalypse with a V12 at his back.
Warm regards.